Holidays and Special Services
Let’s Celebrate!
SCC believes in the joy that worshipping God brings to all people in all ways. We celebrate all the different gifts that God shares with us throughout the year in special services.
Welcome Sunday: September 8, 2024
The first Sunday following Labor Day is the time we set aside to welcome people back from summer and into another fabulous church year! Special Music, Church School Registration, a meaningful sermon and an all-church family cookout round out this wonderful day. While summer is a wonderful time to relax, it is always a treat to be reunited with good friends in our church community!
Mission Sunday: sepTember 29, 2024
This is a wonderful time when our Mission and Outreach Board welcomes representatives from all the different charities we support to join us for worship and then to greet the congregation during a special Coffee Hour.
World Communion Sunday: October 6, 2024
This Sunday - a celebration begun by the presbyterian Church in 1937 - is celebrated by Protestant and Catholic churches around the world. We gather together, with our different theologies, practices, buildings and traditions, as one people to celebrate this gift of Jesus Christ
Laity Sunday: November 13, 2024
As we believe that we are all called to be ministers in Christ's name, Laity Sunday is an opportunity for church members to share their faith and leadership with our church family. This year, John Traynor (pictured here) preached a fabulous sermon on “One Man’s Spiritual Journey.”
Thanksgiving Sunday: November 24, 2024
Celebrating the heritage of our Pilgrim and Puritan forbearers, as well as celebrating family and blessings, our Thanksgiving Sunday occurs on the Sunday preceding Thanksgiving Day and is filled with beautiful music, meaning and messages.
Advent Sundays: December 1, 8, 15, 22 in 2024
We Celebrate all 4 Sundays of Advent in our Worship service with the Lighting of the Advent Candle, a special children's message, special music and relevant sermons. All Sundays are intended to offer a time of reflection as well as celebration, as we prepare for the celebration of Jesus' birth.
Pageant Sunday: december 15, 2023
Our children provide a wonderful living depiction of the Christmas Story - each year with a different twist. Celebrating the bible verse "and a little child shall lead them", this is a vibrant, meaningful and wonderful Sunday.
Christmas Eve: December 24, 2024
We hold three services of Scripture, Carols and Light on Christmas Eve to meet the needs of our parishioners. The 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. services are centered around families and children, with all of our children and youth choirs participating. The 10:00 p.m. service is centered around families with older children and adults and our Senior Choir provides peaceful and calm musical pieces.
Youth Sunday: january 26, 2025
Held on the last Sunday in January, our dedicated and spiritually grounded youth participate and lead the entire service of worship. Our Youth Group President(s) preach the sermon. This Sunday provides us with an insight into the minds of our teens and is a beautiful expression of our love and dedication for our children.
Palm Sunday: april 13, 2025
Remembering Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday hosts our children's Palm Parade complete with banners, palms and Hosannas!
Easter Sunday: April 20, 2025
We have two services on Easter Sunday to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! The first is an 8:00 a.m. Beach Service, led by our Confirmation Class, and includes Scripture, Prayers, Music and the Sacrament of Communion. Our 10:00 a.m. service is held in our Sanctuary among lilies, music, scripture and a wonderful sermon!
Confirmation Sunday: May 4, 2025
A highlight of our Christian year, this Sunday is set aside to celebrate, honor and welcome into the Church Family, our 9th grade students. Following a year of study and service, they present their personal faith statements the night before, inspiring and touching us to live better lives.
Church School Sunday: June 8, 2025
Our Church School Children have the best time leading worship on this Sunday. After 6 weeks of rehearsals, they present a meaningful message to us through a musical program. We also celebrate our graduating Seniors, our Church School Shepherds and Mission trip volunteers. This service is followed by a picnic for all at the Parsonage!