Visit us
New to the Fairfield area?
Thinking of coming to worship on Sunday,
or another event?
You are welcome here!
We hope the answers to these FAQs will answer any questions
you have about visiting us.
Who is welcome?
Everyone. Yes, everyone: young, old, married, single, struggling, thriving, gay, straight, people with any religious background, including Roman Catholic, doubting, trusting, families with young children, those of long life – yes, everyone!
What is our Christian faith like?
Generous. Open. Connected to the history of the church, and relevant for today. We strive to equip people for their every day life, so our sermons are practical, timely and relevant to you. We believe that God loves humanity and each of us individually. We believe that Jesus of Nazareth made it possible for us to recognize and receive the wonderful grace of God. We are open to science. We don’t think God punishes people, or causes illness, but we do KNOW that God is walking beside us, offering us the strength and courage we need to meet any of the obstacles life puts in front of us. We don’t think anyone’s past has to determine what their future will be, because we believe in the transforming power of God. We are part of the United Church of Christ and our heritage lies in the Pilgrims and Puritans that settled New England.
What is worship like here?
We are excited to welcome you all back with in-person worship. Our livestream channel is still also avaiable on our homepage and youtube channel for those who wish to engage with us remotely. We worship in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. In the summer, we add an additional service on Sasco Beach, which is open to the general public. All of our services are grounded in Christian tradition and we follow a traditional Congregational service outline, however, our services are always relevant to our everyday lives. Many newcomers remark on the openness and friendliness of the Congregation and how they feel welcome from the start. We work to make our worship comfortable for people with many years of church participation as well as for those who are giving church a try for the first time.
What is our music like?
We have 5 different choirs that sing throughout the year, as well as the benefit of three professional musicians who often offer solos and duets. We are anchored by our talented Senior Choir who sings every week and our three children’s choirs and our Handbell Choir perform about every 6 weeks. We love the richness and fullness that additional musicians can provide, so you will often hear violins, bass’, trumpets and timpani, along with other instruments, in a service.
Are children welcome in worship?
Children of all ages are always welcome in worship and are an integral part of the beginning of our services. Most weeks they join a minister in the front for their own “Children’s Sermon” before being dismissed for Church School. While we have infant and toddler childcare available from 9:45 a.m. on, we realize that some infants are topo young to attend. You are welcome to worship with your infant, and if you find you need a space to quiet them, our Narthex is equipped with speakers and comfortable chairs for you to attend to your child’s needs and still be a part of the service.
What else is happening for children at Southport Congregational Church?
We have Sunday School for children of all ages. While in-person worship and events are suspend due to Covid our Sunday School has gone virtual and we provide a weekly video, lesson and activity to our memebrs so that our SCC youth can stay connected. Sunday School is built on a fun environment that helps kids grow in faith, knowledge and service. Once we resume in-person worship, or kids will once again gather for Sunday School around 10:15 after being dismissed from the Sanctuary. K-5 goes directly to the Chapel, Grades 6-8 go to the Youth Room and our High School Youth are our Shepherds, assisting with the teaching of the lessons.
What do people wear on Sunday?
People wear a wide variety of clothes, from casual to business, pants to dresses. Children who are participating in sports that may begin during or directly following worship are welcome to come wearing their uniform – we’d rather have them for a bit than not at all!
Where is our church building?
We are located at 524 Pequot Avenue in the historic Southport Village. We are easily accessible from the Post Road or by train – Metro North stops right in our backyard! Here is a link to google maps to help you get here!
Where can you park?
SCC has two parking lots – one across the street from the front of the church and one behind the church. On Sundays when overflow parking is needed, we have access to additional parking on Station Street.
What can you expect when you walk in the door?
There will always be someone there at the front door to greet you and answer any immediate questions you have. One of 4 ushers will welcome you and give you a worship bulletin for the day – a printed sheet that tells you what is coming up, and gives you the words to prayers and other parts of the service, so you can actively participate in the service. You are welcome to sit wherever you are comfortable – downstairs or upstairs in the balcony.
What will happen after worship?
Many people gather for coffee, snacks and casual conversation in Fellowship Hall, just outside the sanctuary. We would love to have you join in, and perhaps meet some new people – people you may, before long, be calling friends.
What is the procedure for becoming an official member of the church?
You are welcome to participate in the full life of the congregation before becoming an official member. Please click here to learn more